
Monday, June 14, 2010

When Left is Right and Right is Wrong

THE LEFT NEEDS THE RIGHT TO DO A GOOD JOB vetting Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan. Unfortunately, it will require more than smear and queer tactics, which is always the first club out of the bag with this Republican opposition. If they were serious about the underpinnings of Kagen they would be willing to ask questions that don't have answers already. They will prove that they aren't and use rehearsed worry about her fitness.

There is a need to know more - a lot more about Kagan.

Her nomination to replace a pillar of the court's stability and good order is a HUGE institutional question.

Any creep to the right is not just a lean or a nod - it could produce a cascade of judicial activism from the court, which will change basic citizen / corporate / state relationships for a generation. If that happens - it will more likely produce less citizenship and more corporate latitude.

The "Freedoms" that the right holds dear are already slipping away under this regime on the court.

The use of "eminent domain" to condemn private property and pass it along to PRIVATE developers for the "common good" has been upheld by THIS court - with Sonya Sotomyer agreeing with some of the decision. STRIKE ONE. The deeming of citizen rights to corporations to express 1st Amendment rights with unlimited spending for political speech (contributions) upheld by THIS court, STRIKE TWO. The halting of the recount of Florida vote tallies and awarding the Presidency to George Bush is at least unamerican. STRIKE THREE.

These are the least democratic times in our short history - aided by a belligerent minority that only wants what it wants despite an expressed (elected) preference by a majority. It is a serious turn that is occurring - it's too bad there isn't a better opposition than the current Republican crap carriers to ask the questions!!!

1 comment:

  1. still worried about Kagan being a closit conservative?
