
Friday, June 18, 2010

Obama Headfakes Left - Shoots Right

President Obama's right-wing agenda is lost on almost all Americans, and clearly lost in the froth-inducing, myth making of the right-wing. The outrage-of-the-day "reporting" from the right-wing message machine constantly accuses the President of high crimes and misdemeanors.

As recently as yesterday - Thuggery, "Shaking down BP" - Fraud in stimulus spending, Facism / Socialism (often in the same complaint - they are VERY different phenomena), Race Hatred toward whites, Planning the Enslavement of Christians in future FEMA camps, Raising Taxes (after lowering taxes across the board in both the stimulus bill, home buyer tax credits AND small business health care provisions). The fact that Obama has gone against the left in almost every legislative outcome is unreported, under-reported or bypassed with a
"Yeah, but he's a Keynian Muslim . . . " type fallacy.

In fact, the left has a lot more to complain about than Rush, Glenn and Sister Sarah. A few of the glaring right-leaning outcomes; the industry control of health care delivery after a generation of outrageous profit taking by insurance executives (literally death-panels sucking blood money), affirming interest tax deduction on luxury properties for high bracket (rich) Americans, defense spending INCREASES in the face of known - open waste and corruption in the defense department, and lately - the retreat on CEO compensation provisions in the financial reform legislation which is in 11th hour conference committee. Corporations and hyper-wealthy Americans have nothing to fear from Obama - yet their minions squeal at his leadership and inherent "Leftist Agenda."

The financial reform piece is especially illuminating for tracking this administration's transition to corporate friendly outcomes -

"It was not part of our original financial reform proposals, and we have not taken a position explicitly. We have heard from and understand the various concerns on this critical corporate governance issue from multiple stakeholders including business, investors, labor and others. We are confident that the House and Senate conferees will come to a resolution and deliver a consensus view," said a White House spokesperson.

See the head fake - a few carefully chosen words and the left is in the dust. Nice shooting Mr.President. Not part of the original proposal, so we don't HAVE to support it.

One outrageous example of CEO pay that clearly hurts the American bottom line, from " -

"Attorney General Richard Blumenthal today 4/29/2010) expressed outrage over reports that United Healthcare paid its CEO $102 million in compensation last year and called on the state Department of Insurance to consider executive pay in future company rate cases." End of excerpt.

This, after a 13% rate increase in premiums for United Healtcare policy holders was approved.

The right should be pretty comfortable with Obama's help in maintaining the corporate center and profit taking. Me thinks, they protest too loudly.

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